Family Owned In Tennessee

Solar Panel and Battery Experts

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We provide Tennessee homeowners with a complimentary roof and attic inspection. Our solar and roofing experts will help review your energy needs and goals, then guide you through our entire solar system process.
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Family Owned.
Certified Installers.
Tennessee Founded.

We handle everything

From the moment you consider solar energy, we take the helm, ensuring every aspect of your transition to renewable power is handled with expertise and ease. Our team is dedicated to managing all the complexities of your solar installation. We don't just promise exceptional solar solutions; we deliver a comprehensive service that covers consultation, design, installation, and everything in between.

Entrust us with your solar project, and experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing you're in capable hands. Our seasoned professionals will oversee the entire process, meticulously attending to each detail and adapting solutions to fit your unique needs. With us, your move to solar is a smooth, coordinated journey tailored to bring you energy independence with zero hassle.

Advanced Solar
Energy Technology

Partnering with only the best and reputable energy companies, we bring you cutting-edge solar and battery technology. We ensure you receive the most efficient and reliable solar solutions on the market today.

Gain Energy Independence

Gaining independence is a universal aspiration, deeply rooted in the desire for freedom and autonomy. We recognize the importance of this independence in every aspect of life, especially when it comes to energy. Our mission is to empower you with the tools and knowledge to achieve energy independence, freeing you from reliance on unpredictable external sources. We're here to guide you towards a future where you're in control, offering the means to secure your own sustainable, reliable power source. Let us help you turn the dream of energy independence into reality.

Gain Energy Security

Embrace energy security with a solution that puts you in control. No longer dependent on the public grid, you'll enjoy the freedom and safety of a reliable power source at your fingertips. This is about ensuring your home stays powered, rain or shine, without a hitch. It's not just power; it's peace of mind, knowing you're safeguarded against outages and in control of your energy future. Empower your life with solar power.

Family Owned In Tennessee

Our family-owned solar and roofing company stands as a testament to the enduring values of trust, integrity, and personal service. It means we treat every customer like part of our extended family, ensuring that the solar solutions we provide aren't just transactions, but meaningful contributions to the well-being and future of our community. We understand the importance of a handshake, the value of a promise kept, and the significance of going the extra mile to make sure you're satisfied and well taken care of.

Complete Solar Solutions

Navigating the journey to solar energy can seem daunting, but with us, you're never alone. From the initial consultation to the moment your solar panels begin to harness the power of the sun, we're by your side every step of the way. Our dedicated team ensures that every phase of the process is clear, straightforward, and tailored to meet your specific needs. We pride ourselves on our transparency and support, ensuring that you feel informed and comfortable throughout the entire process.

You have questions? 
We have answers

Switching to solar energy is a significant decision for homeowners, and we understand that you may have many questions about the process, benefits, and logistics. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions we receive from homeowners, along with detailed answers to help you understand how solar energy can work for you. Whether you're curious about installation, maintenance, or financial incentives, we've got you covered. Read on to learn more about how solar energy can enhance your home’s energy efficiency and sustainability.

How does a solar energy system work?

Short version: A solar energy system harnesses sunlight using photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then transforms this DC electricity into alternating current (AC) that can power your home. These systems can also include battery storage, which stores excess energy generated during the day for use during the night or in cloudy weather. Additionally, some systems are connected to the grid, allowing you to sell back surplus energy, further optimizing your energy management.

Long version: A solar energy system works by capturing sunlight and converting it into usable electricity through a series of intricate processes involving photovoltaic (PV) panels, inverters, and sometimes battery storage. Here’s an in-depth explanation of each component and the overall process:

Photovoltaic (PV) Panels:

PV panels consist of many solar cells made from semiconductor materials like silicon. These cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern on the panel's surface.

Function: When sunlight hits these solar cells, it excites electrons, creating an electric current. This process is known as the photovoltaic effect.

Energy Conversion: The panels generate direct current (DC) electricity as a result of the movement of these excited electrons.


Most household appliances and the grid use alternating current (AC) electricity, but the PV panels generate DC electricity. Inverters are crucial for converting this DC electricity into AC electricity.

Types: There are different types of inverters, including string inverters, microinverters, and power optimizers. String inverters connect multiple panels in a series, microinverters are installed on each panel to convert DC to AC individually, and power optimizers are used to maximize the energy output of each panel before sending DC to a centralized inverter.

Conversion Process: The inverter takes the DC electricity generated by the solar panels and converts it into AC electricity, which can be used to power your home’s electrical devices.

Electric Meter and Grid Connection:

Net Metering:
If your solar energy system is connected to the grid, your electric meter will measure the amount of electricity your solar panels produce and how much you use from the grid. With net metering, any excess electricity generated by your solar panels can be fed back into the grid, and you may receive credits from your utility company. This is only available in certain jurisdictions. Not all power companies participate in net meeting.

Grid Interaction: During periods when your solar panels are not producing enough electricity (e.g., at night or on cloudy days), your home will draw power from the grid. Conversely, during peak sunlight hours when your panels generate more electricity than you need, the excess is sent to the grid. This is only available in certain jurisdictions. Not all power companies participate in net meeting.

Battery Storage (Optional):

Batteries store excess electricity generated by your solar panels for use during times when the panels are not producing electricity, such as at night or during power outages.

Types: Common types of batteries used in solar energy systems include lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are more popular due to their higher efficiency, longer lifespan, and better performance.

Energy Management: A charge controller manages the flow of electricity between the solar panels, the battery, and your home’s electrical system, ensuring the battery is charged and discharged properly.

Monitoring System:

A monitoring system tracks the performance of your solar energy system, providing real-time data on energy production, consumption, and storage. This helps you optimize your system’s efficiency and identify any issues promptly.

Access: Monitoring can typically be done through an online portal or mobile app, offering insights into how much energy your system is producing, how much is being consumed, and how much is being fed back into the grid or stored in batteries.

Overall Integration:

System Coordination:
All these components work together seamlessly to provide a consistent and reliable source of electricity. The PV panels capture sunlight and generate DC electricity, which is then converted to AC by the inverter. The AC electricity powers your home’s appliances, with any excess either stored in batteries or fed back into the grid.

Energy Independence: By generating your own electricity, you reduce reliance on external power sources, lower your utility bills, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

How much can I save on my energy bills with solar panels?

The savings on your energy bills depend on various factors, such as your household's energy consumption, the size and efficiency of your solar system, local electricity rates, and the amount of sunlight your location receives. Typically, homeowners see a reduction in their energy bills by 20% to 70%. Over the lifespan of the solar panels, these savings can amount to thousands of dollars. Additionally, the use of net metering can further increase your savings by allowing you to earn credits for excess energy produced by your system.

Are there any incentives or rebates available for installing solar panels?

Yes, there are numerous incentives and rebates available to help offset the cost of installing solar panels. The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) offers up to a 30% tax credit for qualifying solar installations through 2033. Additionally, many states and local governments offer further incentives, rebates, and grants. It's essential to consult with a tax professional to understand which incentives apply to your specific situation, as they can significantly reduce the upfront cost and improve the return on investment of your solar energy system.


How long does it take to install a solar energy system?

The installation of a solar energy system typically takes one to three days, depending on the size and complexity of the system. However, the entire process from initial consultation to the final permitting check list can take few weeks. This timeline includes site assessment, system design, permitting, and any necessary grid connection arrangements. Our team manages the entire process to ensure a smooth and efficient installation, minimizing disruption to your daily life and ensuring all regulations and standards are met.

What maintenance is required for a residential solar energy system?

Residential solar energy systems are designed to be low-maintenance. Routine maintenance primarily involves keeping the panels clean and free from debris to ensure they capture sunlight efficiently. It's also recommended to have periodic professional inspections to check for any potential issues, such as loose connections or shading from growing vegetation. Most modern solar systems come with monitoring software that alerts you to any performance issues, allowing you to address them promptly and maintain optimal system performance over the years.

How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels are built to be durable and typically have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. Over time, their efficiency may decline slightly, with most panels maintaining about 80% of their original efficiency after 25 years. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and inspections, can help prolong their lifespan and ensure they continue to perform efficiently. Most manufacturers offer performance warranties that guarantee a certain level of efficiency over a set period, providing peace of mind and long-term reliability.

Can solar panels work in cloudy or rainy weather?

Yes, solar panels can still generate electricity during cloudy or rainy weather, although their efficiency will be reduced compared to sunny days. Modern solar panels are designed to capture diffuse sunlight, allowing them to produce power even on overcast days. While the output may not be as high as during peak sunlight, your system will continue to contribute to your energy needs. Additionally, if your system includes battery storage, it can store excess energy generated during sunny periods for use during less optimal weather conditions.

How do solar panels affect my roof?

Solar panels are installed on mounting systems that are securely attached to your roof, ensuring they don't cause damage. In fact, they can protect the portion of the roof they cover from weathering. Professional installation by certified technicians ensures that your roof remains intact and that any necessary roof penetrations are properly sealed. Additionally, if your roof needs repairs or replacement in the future, solar panels can be temporarily removed and reinstalled.

How do I monitor the performance of my solar energy system?

Most modern solar energy systems come with monitoring software that allows you to track their performance in real-time. This software can be accessed through a smartphone app or web portal, providing detailed information on energy production, consumption, and system efficiency. You can monitor daily, monthly, and annual performance, and receive alerts if there are any issues with the system. This helps ensure your solar panels are operating at peak efficiency and allows you to quickly address any potential problems.

What types of roofs are suitable for solar panel installation?

Most roof types are suitable for solar panel installation, including asphalt shingles, metal, tile, and flat roofs. The condition and orientation of your roof play a crucial role in the system's efficiency. South-facing roofs are ideal, but east and west-facing roofs can also work well. Our team conducts a thorough assessment of your roof's condition and structure to determine its suitability and ensure a secure and efficient installation.

What permits are required for installing solar panels?

Installing solar panels typically requires several permits, including building permits, electrical permits, and sometimes zoning permits. The specific permits needed vary by location. Our team handles all the paperwork and works with local authorities to secure the necessary permits, ensuring your installation complies with all regulations and standards. This process helps streamline the installation and avoids any potential legal issues.

How do solar panels integrate with my home's existing electrical system?

Solar panels are designed to integrate seamlessly with your home’s existing electrical system. The solar panels generate DC electricity, which is converted to AC electricity by an inverter. This AC electricity is then fed into your home's main electrical panel, where it can be used to power your lights, appliances, and other electrical devices. The process is automated, ensuring a smooth transition between solar power and grid power as needed, providing a reliable energy source without any manual intervention.

Can I use solar energy to power my home completely off-grid?

Yes, you can use solar energy to power your home completely off-grid by combining solar panels with battery storage systems. The solar panels generate electricity during the day, and excess energy is stored in batteries for use at night or during cloudy periods. This setup allows you to be entirely independent from the utility grid. However, it requires careful planning and a sufficiently sized solar and battery system to meet your energy needs consistently.

What happens to solar panels at the end of their lifespan?

At the end of their lifespan, solar panels can be recycled. Most components of solar panels, including glass, metal, and silicon, can be repurposed. Specialized recycling facilities break down the panels to recover these materials, reducing waste and supporting the circular economy. Our company can provide information on recycling options and help ensure that your panels are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner when they reach the end of their operational life.

How does installing solar panels affect my home's aesthetic?

We offer both roof and ground mounted solar panel systems. This gives you more flexibility in aesthetics. Modern solar panels are designed to be sleek and low-profile, blending with various roof types and home styles. There are also options like solar shingles and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) that can seamlessly integrate with your roof’s design. During the consultation process, our team will work with you to find the most aesthetically pleasing solution that meets your energy needs while maintaining your home's curb appeal.

How does solar energy affect home resale value?

Installing solar panels can increase your home's resale value according to Nationally, homes with solar-energy systems sold for 4.1% more on average than comparable homes without solar power. For the median-valued home, that translates to an additional $9,274. Homes equipped with solar energy systems are attractive to buyers who value energy efficiency and lower utility bills. Studies have shown that homes with solar installations tend to sell faster and at higher prices compared to non-solar homes. The exact increase in value can depend on the size of the system, energy savings, and local real estate market trends.

How does solar panel installation affect my roof warranty, and why should I choose The Metal Roofers?

Choosing The Metal Roofers for your solar panel installation ensures that your roof warranty remains intact. Many homeowners worry that installing solar panels might void their roof warranty due to the drilling and mounting required. However, our partnership with The Metal Roofers guarantees that all installations are performed with the highest standards of care and precision. Here’s why our approach is beneficial:

Certified Installers: Our team consists of certified professionals who follow industry best practices to avoid damaging your roof. They have the expertise to install panels without compromising the integrity of your roofing materials.

Specialized Knowledge: The Metal Roofers have extensive experience with various roofing types, ensuring that your specific roof type is properly considered during installation. This specialized knowledge prevents issues that could arise from improper installation techniques.

Quality Materials: We use high-quality mounting systems and hardware designed to minimize roof penetration and ensure secure attachment of the panels. This reduces the risk of leaks and structural damage.

Comprehensive Warranty: By choosing us, you benefit from a comprehensive warranty that covers both the solar panels and the roofing work. This dual coverage offers peace of mind, knowing that both your roof and solar investment are protected.

Coordination with Roofing Experts: Our close collaboration with The Metal Roofers ensures seamless integration between the roofing and solar components. This partnership allows us to address any roofing issues proactively before they affect the solar installation.

Post-Installation Support: We provide ongoing maintenance and support, ensuring that your solar system and roof remain in excellent condition. Regular inspections and timely repairs help maintain the performance and longevity of both systems.

Customer Satisfaction: Our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we take every precaution to protect your home’s value and functionality. Choosing The Metal Roofers ensures a high-quality installation that respects your existing warranties and enhances your property’s resilience.

In summary, selecting The Metal Roofers for your solar installation ensures that your roof warranty remains valid, your roof’s integrity is maintained, and you receive expert care from industry professionals. This approach provides the best protection for your home and your solar investment.

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